Registration for MIHOA-conducted USA Hockey virtual classrooms opens on Monday, July 20. NEW THIS YEAR, seminar registration will happen via the USA Hockey courses site. There will be zero fee to register via the USA Hockey website. Registration will be limited for each session, so members are encouraged to register early.
View schedule for MIHOA-conducted seminars Returning officials who are registering for Level 2, 3 and 4 are required to attend a single virtual classroom session. Sessions are scheduled to last 2-3 hours and multiple sessions will be offered on weekday evenings in August, September and October. For Level 2, 3 and 4, optional ice sessions will be held on August 8, September 13 and October 3. Level 2 officials are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend an ice session. Closed book exams for Level 2, 3 and 4 officials will be conducted via an online platform that is being developed by USA Hockey. Officials will take the exam online and will be required to finish the exam in one sitting. Officials will receive instructions via email from USA Hockey after completion of their virtual seminar. Level 1 seminars will be conducted in three parts: two virtual classroom sessions (held on weekday evenings) and one mandatory, in-person off-ice/on-ice clinic held on August 8, September 13 or October 3. Level 1 officials are REQUIRED to attend both virtual classroom sessions and the in-person off-ice/on-ice clinic. All virtual classroom sessions will be held via Zoom videoconference, with access details emailed to seminar registrants approximately 60 minutes prior to each session. All in-person events will adhere to state, county, local, and rink safety guidelines. Additional information and a separate link to register for ice-sessions will be provided during virtual seminars. A $10 per member seminar administration fee will be collected by MIHOA. This fee has been $20 in the past several years and was as much as $70 at one time. This fee is implemented to defray the expenses of conducting the online virtual classrooms, ice sessions, and other related expenses. To pay this fee, click here. Fee must be paid prior to attending your virtual classroom session. Important links To register for USA Hockey virtual seminars > To review information and links for additional USA Hockey certification requirements > To register as an official with USA Hockey > Questions If you have questions about the virtual classrooms or off-ice/on-ice clinics, please email [email protected]. If you have questions about USA Hockey membership registration, SafeSport, online modules, open book exam or other topics, please email [email protected].
Many of our members (and potential members) have questions about how MIHOA-sponsored USA Hockey certification seminars will be conducted this season. Here is an update, with the understanding that some of the information is still tentative and subject to change based on unknowns and uncertainties.
CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION This portion of seminars will be conducted virtually. Length of virtual classroom for Levels 2, 3 and 4 will be approximately 3 hours, conducting in one session. Length of virtual classroom for Level 1 will be approximately 6 hours, broken into two parts. Virtual classroom instruction will be held on weekday evenings prior to our established ice times. Specifically: August 3 thru 6; September 8 thru 10; September 28 thru October 1. REGISTRATION FOR VIRTUAL CLASSROOM MIHOA members (and potential members) will register for the virtual classroom portion of seminars via the USA Hockey website. Virtual classroom sessions that are conducted by MIHOA are scheduled to be posted sometime before July 20. There will be zero fee to register for virtual classrooms via USA Hockey. LOCAL SEMINAR ADMINISTRATION FEE MIHOA does not charge a fee to become a member. However, there is a fee to attend seminars. This fee has been $20 in the past several years and was as much as $70 at one time. For the 2020-21 season, the MIHOA Board has established a $10 per member seminar administration fee. This fee is implemented to defray the expenses of conducting the online virtual classrooms, ice sessions, and other related expenses. Details on how to submit this fee will be posted later. NEW OFFICIALS ONLY A mandatory off-ice clinic will be conducted prior to on-ice instruction. Clinic will cover basic mechanics, positioning and local topics. Length to be 60 minutes. SKATING INSTRUCTION Per MIHOA and USA Hockey Local Supervisor, optional but encouraged for returning MIHOA officials. Mandatory for new, level 1, officials. Dates/locations for ice times: August 8 (Creve Coeur); September 13 (Centene); October 3 (Centene). REGISTRATION FOR SKATING INSTRUCTION A separate registration process will be held for on-ice instruction. This will allow us to limit attendance and ensure that we are following state, county, local and rink safety guidelines. ONLINE TRAINING USA Hockey online training modules will continue in the same manner as years past. OPEN BOOK EXAMS USA Hockey open book exams will continue in the same manner as years past. CLOSED BOOK EXAMS All exams that were formerly closed-book (Levels 2, 3, 4) will be conducted online for the coming season via a website managed by USA Hockey. Details are still being finalized. WHAT TO EXPECT In the coming days and weeks, returning members should look for email(s) from MIHOA leadership. Current information will also be posted on WHAT YOU CAN BE DOING NOW In anticipation of the registration opening for seminars, here are some things you can be doing now:
To view details and links for all of the above steps, go to SUMMARY The MIHOA Board, our USA Hockey Local Supervisor of Officials, and MIHOA’s Development & Education Committee are working hard to execute all of the above in an organized and understandable manner. MIHOA leaders are making decisions they feel are in the best interest of our members. QUESTIONS Please monitor for answers to most of your questions. If you have additional questions, you may contact us via Annual Meeting
The MIHOA Annual Membership Meeting will be Thursday August 13, 2020 at 7pm by Zoom virtual meeting call. Call in information will be posted prior to the meeting. Board of Directors Elections Board of Directors elections will be conducted electronically starting on Friday August 14th, 2020 and ending on Sunday August 16, 2020. Information on accessing the electronic ballot will be posted prior to the voting start date. Below is the candidate slate: The Nominating Committee for the 2020 MIHOA Elections has assembled a slate of potential candidates for the various officer and board positions that are about to expire. The voting will take place between Friday August 14th, 2020 and ending on Sunday August 16, 2020. Please make time to vote for those whom you believe can best serve our organization. Three Director (Board) positions will be voted upon. Members currently holding these positions are Bob Cunningham, Larry Pirtle, and Terry Farrar. The candidates for Directors are:
In addition to the Directors, three Officer positions will be open. Members currently holding these positions are Bill Baker (Treasurer), Jerry Burt (VP Adult) and Teppai Sakuma (VP Scholastic). The Officer candidates are as follows:
Per MIHOA By-Laws, balloting guidelines are as follows: Section 4. NOMINATIONS. The Nominating Committee shall forward to the Active members, no less than 30 days before the annual business meeting, one or more nominations for each seat on the Board that is vacant or is about to expire. Section 10. ELECTIONS. Election of Directors and officers shall be held annually at the April business meeting with all Active members being given no less than 30 days written or e-mailed notice of such election meeting and the candidates for each office. Section 10.1 VOTING ELIGIBILITY. Only Active members shall be eligible to vote. Section 11. BALLOTING. Except as described in Section 11.2 (below), balloting shall be by secret ballot by Active members present at the annual business meeting. If a tie vote occurs, there shall be an immediate run-off election between only those candidates who were tied with the most votes in the first balloting. If at the end of the second ballot the candidates remain tied, a third ballot shall be held. If the candidates remain tied at the end of the third ballot, the Board of Directors in office immediately preceding the election shall decide the election within thirty (30) days. Section 11.2. ABSENTEE BALLOTING. Pursuant to guidelines and procedures established by the Board of Directors, any Active Member who has personally attended at least two of the regular membership meetings (excluding the annual meetings) held in the twelve months prior to the election, will be allowed to submit their vote in the annual elections by absentee ballot, including by electronic means. For the purpose of satisfying the attendance requirement, the member must physically attend the meetings. If you would like to vote via absentee ballot and meet the qualifications above; please contact the nominating committee. Thank you for making MIHOA a better organization. Sincerely, The 2020 MIHOA Nominating Committee Don Arias Steve Selby Below is some info if you will be working the Winterland Friendship games.
1. Game participants will not be allowed in the rinks until 15 minutes prior to game. This includes refs. 2. Participants should arrive 30 minutes prior in order to go thru screening, which will be done by either Winterland rep or team managers. This includes refs. Screening to include temperature check and several questions. Refs will need to tell screener their name, address, phone and email. 3. 100.4+ temp or answering yes to any of the screening questions = not allowed in rink. No exceptions. 4. Masks required the moment they stand in line for screening, entering building, getting dressed and then getting undressed and leaving building. 5. Brentwood: one person allowed in ref closet in corner of rink. Additional chairs to be placed near room with 6-foot spacing. Webster: we will have access to first rink meeting room and also normal ref room for dressing room. Crews can stagger usage. 6. Suggested for refs to arrive partially dressed. 7. Everyone should limit excess contact throughout time in the rink. 8. No handshake post game. Refs should still say hello to coaches but from a distance. 9. Brentwood: games will have a 60-minute break in between so that rink staff can disinfect. If crews have multiple games with 60 minute break in between, they must leave the rink during break and reenter 15 minutes prior to next game. Screening to happen again. 10. Webster: games are scheduled back-to-back, with disinfecting of locker rooms and temporary locker room areas happening on a staggered basis. Participants MUST wait until all game participants (refs included) step on the ice for next game before they can exit the rink. 11. Both facilities: no loitering in lobby/stands/common areas. Enter 15 minutes prior - get dressed - play/ref game - get undressed - exit the rink. Fellow MIHOA officials. Ice Hockey is on its way back and we are getting request from leagues to provide officials for games. Shortly we will be posting games on the MIHOA scheduling web site. Please check the web site several times per day for new game postings.
As we start back up, please be aware of the below. Also, keep in mind everything is still fluid and any day all the below could change.
At the rink:
As of 6/29/2020, below are the highlights of the local governments game requirements. Please visit the appropriate government web site for further information on game requirements. St. Louis County
St. Charles County
See the Seminar page for a message from Sjoukje Brown Central District Referee-in-Chief about registration Background checks and screening will now be done on the USA Hockey web site. The BeStrong29 Foundation is looking for volunteer referees for their first annual Adult 3 on 3 Tournament to be held July 17-19 2020 at the Mills Ice Zone.
Please contact Shawn Deaver at [email protected] if you are interested. On November 18, 2016 Mick Deaver, from Columbia, MO who played in St. Louis, love for playing hockey came to a crashing end. While playing for his Junior team the Boston Bandits Mick gained the puck in his own end, he began skating up ice when he suddenly lost his balance and collided with a player from the other team. It was a collision that has happened thousands of times but this one was the one in a million that changed Mick, his family and all that know him forever. The resulting collision left Mick with a burst fracture of the C5 vertebrae and a quadriplegic. Mick and his father remained in New Jersey were Mick began his long road of recovery and adjusting to a new way of life. The BeStrong29 Foundation, which is a 501(c)3 organization, was started to help and focus on supporting individuals, particularly youth, with permanent, but not limited to, spinal cord injuries and disabilities through grants, scholarships, research, and other forms of improving their lives and those of their families. The BeStrong29 Foundation will be offering scholarships to both Physical and Occupational students wishing to specialize but not limited to people with spinal cord injuries and disabilities. The BeStrong29 Foundation will also make donations on behalf of the Foundation to help find a cure for paralysis and improve the quality of life for those living with paralysis. |
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